A Very Brief Intro

I am originally from Wenzhou, Zhejiang. I got my bachelor's degree in English in Beiwai College, Beijing Foreign Studies University.
I am currently a graduate student in Management Science and Engineering in International Business School, BFSU.
My research interests include topics in Deep Learning, Optimization, and Artificial Intelligence.

Skills and Major Courses

I got a variety of skills from self-learning and courses I took which helps me cope with problems in research.

  • Python, MATLAB, R
  • English, French
  • LATEX, Linux, Github, PS
  • Academic Writing, Academic Reading
  • Advanced Statistics, Machine Learning
  • Management Methods, Business Analysis

Education Background

My heartfelt thank goes to the school, teachers, and classmates that sparked in my life.

Graduate: International Business School, BFSU

Time: 2022.9~2025.7
GPA: 3.84/4.00; Ranking: 6/24

Undergraduate: Beiwai College, BFSU

Time: 2019.9~2022.7
GPA: 3.90/4.00; Ranking: 5/48
Thesis Title: Attitudes of Japan, Australia, and Canada towards China's Accession to the CPTPP from the Perspective of Two-level Game Theory

High School: Hangzhou Foreign Language School

Time : 2016.9~2019.7
Ranking: 4/43
I was recommended for admission to BFSU because of good performance in high school.

Accomplishments in Academic Research

I will defend in a manly way true science, extend and embellish it, not for gain's sake or for attaining a vain shine of glory, but in order that the light of supreme verity shine bright and expand.

Journal Articles Publications

Conference Papers

Under Review

[2023.10] Robustness and Evolvement of the Global Energy Trade Networks. X. CHEN, R. SUN, K. LI, and X. DING, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
[2023.11] Matter of Life and Death: Factors Influencing the Immediate Execution of Death Sentences Based on the Topic Modeling and Machine Learning. X. CHEN, R. SUN, L. WANG, and X. DING, Artificial Intelligence and Law, Springer

Working Papers

Parking Lots Vacancy Forecast Using Temporal-Spatial GCN. X. CHEN, R. SUN, and X. DING

Extracurricular Experiences

Some of my working experiences are shown below.

Intern: Operation Support

Time: 2021.7~2021.9
Majar Achienvements: Field-visited a number of local automobile and motorcycle parts enterprises and drafted a research report.

Me In Life

What constitutes my life, shapes my characters, and defines who I am.


I fell in love with film at 9 when my primary school teacher played Spirited Away to the class.
Over my freshman year, I set out a project One day one film, I literally watched at least one film a day that year.
My favorite director is incomparable Stanley Kubrick and my film No.1 is Spirited Away


I am obsessed with volleyball. It constitutes my priority No.1 at leisure.
I gained the second place in volleyball competition in university on behalf of my department. I played the opposite in starting lineup.
Volleyball equipped me with the quality of Destination, Determination, and Delibration.

Contact Me

Please contact me if you have any questions.

  • Mail: Please check the bottom of the sidebar and click "mail" icon. It will redirect you to me.
  • Github: Please check the bottom of the sidebar and click "github" icon. It will redirect you to my Github profile page.
  • Research Gate: My ID for Research Gate is "Ruogu Sun"
  • ORCID: My ID for ORCID is 0009-0004-4157-3558